

时 间:9月24日下午3:30-5:00


主讲人:Bob Adamson(香港教育学院教授)




Bob Adamsonis Chair Professor of Curriculum Reform,Head of the Department of International Education and Lifelong Learning, andDirector of the Centre for Lifelong Learning Research and Development at HongKong Institute of Education. He publishes in the fields of English languageteaching, teacher education, comparative education, curriculum studies andhigher education. His books include“China’s English—ahistory of English in Chinese education”and“Trilingualism in China: models and challenges”(with Anwei Feng).


This presentation analyses how China has handled issuessurrounding the English language. The experience is rich. Governments duringthe Imperial and Republican eras and after the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949 have a long and sometimes troubledhistory of engagement with English-speakers, who have appeared as traders,missionaries, emissaries, educators, athletes, writers, entertainers anddilettantes, among other guises. Within China, they were sometimes portrayed asbarbarians who threatened the cultural integrity of the Chinese nation andwhose new world order was based on very different principles from those ofharmonious and benevolent governance that underpinned the imperial system(Adamson, 2002). To contain the barbarians and to regain a key position inworld affairs, China has accommodated English within its education system aswell as aspects of its legal, commercial and social interactions (Gil &Adamson, 2011). The spread of English continues today through the PRC, despitesome controversy. So what does the future hold for English in China?

To address thisquestion, Prof. Adamson shall look at arguments surrounding lingua francas(Ostler, 2010) in general. For the case of China, He shall examine English inone of its more fragile states in the PRC. Since 2002, language policies ineducation for ethnic minority regions have effectively promoted trilingualism,covering standard Chinese (Putonghua), English and ethnic minority languages.Prof. Adamson identifies and compares four models of trilingual education thathave emerged in these regions, reflecting different forms of settlements amongthe three languages. He argues that these models offer indications for thefuture of English in China, while noting the risks in making firm predictionsgiven the historical fluctuations in the role and status of the language.


人事处 教师发展中心


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