

Announcementabout a Professorial Lecture:

Are you interested in English Public Speaking?

Do you wish to become a charming English public speaker?

Come to Prof.Stephen E. Lucas’ lecture onpublic speaking.

EnglishTitleMartin LutherKing’s I Have a Dream: The Making of a Masterpiece

中文题目: 马丁·路德·金的《我有一个梦想》——大师演讲的修辞艺术

Venue: OctagonalLecture Hall or B8 Lecture Hall (depending on the size of the audience), SouthCampus

Time: 3:30-5:00 PM,Tuesday, 5 May 2015

P.S.: Please sign up inthe attached form to help us to figure out the size of the audience so as todecide on the venue.

Practice Teaching Department

School of English and Education

16 April 2015

About Prof. Stephen E. Lucas

Professorof Communication Arts and Professor in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin.

His firstbook, Portents of Rebellion: Rhetoric and Revolution in Philadelphia, 17651776,received the Golden Anniversary Award of the National Communication Associationin 1977 and was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.

His essay,“The Rhetorical Ancestry of the Declaration of Independence” (1998), receivedthe Golden Anniversary Monograph Award of the National CommunicationAssociation, and in 2009 he received the same organization’s DistinguishedScholar Award.

His mostrecent book is Words of a Century: The Top 100 American Speeches, 19001999(Oxford University Press, 2009).

ProfessorLucas is also author of The Art of Public Speaking, which is used atmore than 1,000 colleges and universities around the world, and is known as“the big red book” of public speaking in China. One of the most influentialtextbooks of its time, regardless of academic discipline, it has establishedthe paradigm for current approaches to the teaching of public speaking.

In 2004, itreceived both the William Holmes McGuffey Longevity Award and the TextbookExcellence Award from the Text and Academic Authors Association. His numerouspedagogical innovations have had a profound impact in the United States, China and beyond.

ProfessorLucas first came to China in 2001. In addition to serving as a judge at the21st Century Cup National English Speaking Competition and the FLTRP CupNational English Debating Competition, he has become known as a commentator forthe CCTV Cup English Speaking Contest. He has lectured at many Chineseuniversities, has presented workshops on public speaking instruction forChinese professors, and has been a featured guest on CCTVInternational’s Dialogue and on China Radio International. He hasalso worked with numerous visiting scholars from China in his seminars andteacher training sessions at the University of Wisconsin.


斯蒂文 ·E. 卢卡斯教授简介

斯蒂文 ·E. 卢卡斯(Prof. Stephen E. Lucas),演讲学领域的国际权威学者,也是演讲与交流艺术的实践者,威斯康星大学麦迪逊总校交流艺术系教授。









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